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Yoga for backpain

Understanding Back Pain

Use yoga to connect body, mind, and spirit.

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The course tackles back pain's ubiquity across all ages in our lifestyle-driven world.

With 25 sections and 1.5 hours of content, this comprehensive guide serves sufferers, caretakers, and yoga enthusiasts, adeptly exploring back pain causes and solutions.

Emphasizing personalized healing, it merges yogic philosophy with practical guidance, empowering learners.

What you’ll learn
  1. Understand the various causes of back pain, including lifestyle factors and age-related issues.

  2. Evaluate the limitations of MRI in diagnosing back pain and understand its scope in identifying underlying issues.

  3. Differentiate between chronic and temporary back pain and explore the potential for complete healing.

  4. Explore the therapeutic role of yoga in managing and alleviating back pain, including its physical and mental benefits.

Course includes
  • 25 sections and 1.5 hours of on-demand video lecture

  • Full lifetime access

Fee Structure:

Indian Residents: ₹ 499

Outside India Residents: $ 19.99

Course Benefits
  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of back pain causes, including lifestyle factors and age-related issues.

  • Explore the limitations of MRI in diagnosing back pain and learn its role in identifying underlying issues.

  • Differentiate between chronic and temporary back pain and assess the potential for complete healing.

  • Discover the therapeutic benefits of yoga in managing and alleviating back pain, both physically and mentally.

  • This course offers lifetime access to 25 sections and 1.5 hours of on-demand video lectures, providing practical insights and tools for managing and understanding back pain.

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What Students Say

Vithal S Mohare

Hi vinay,

Just completed with running through all the videos related to Backpain.
First Impression - Yes,the course does meet the purpose and certainly one's expectation, I believe.
Video and presentations synced up very well and have the professional touch, rather some random youtube video.

Highlight of the course being collating multiple aspects of the back pain in one place. Discretely known facts are presented in structured manner.

I felt lot educated about many aspects of the spine and related issues and now consious enough with respect to postures, particularly.

In summary, course is highly informative, educational and has enough content to trigger the thoughts by providing holisitic view about back and its pain.

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