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Live Online Yoga Classes

Explore how to improve posture and boost productivity.

*Mandatory to complete Fundamentals of Yoga Workshop before joining

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In the Live Online Yoga Classes In Bangalore, practitioners can join yoga classes from home if they can't make it in person. It's great for people who are far away or in a different location.

They can log in during regular class hours and participate in discussions too. The classes are live-streamed using advanced technology.

It's a convenient way to stay connected and continue your yoga practice. Wherein, the participants can enjoy the benefits of a group class from the comfort of your own home.

What You’ll Learn
  1. You can practice yoga conveniently from the comfort of your own home.

  2.  Online Yoga Classes In Bangalore offer flexibility to fit your schedule and location.

  3.  You can still connect with other practitioners and engage in discussions during the class.

  4.  Access to experienced teachers who may not be available locally.

  5.  Online classes help you maintain a consistent yoga practice, regardless of your circumstances.

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Course Schedule

Batches and Time:

Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday : 5:30 am - 6:30 am                                                                   6:45 am to 7:45 am

Monday, Wednesday, Friday :   8:00 am - 9:00 am
                                                             10:30 am - 11:30 am                                                                 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm



*Classes are conducted only 3 days/week, however, one can come to center and resources will be provided to do self-practice on other days.

*Mandatory to complete Fundamentals of Yoga Workshop

Course Benefits
  • Join Live streaming of Yoga sessions.

  • Access to structured classes.

  • Technology enables you to interact and participate in Yoga centre discussions.

  • Periodic individual consultation with the teacher.

  • Cost-effective compared to onsite classes.

  • Save travel time to the centre.


Will be updated soon

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Fee Structure
Indian Residents:
Individual Plan
1 month

₹1700 per month
Total - ₹1700 per person
(₹1000 one-time additional registration fee)
3 months

₹1467 per month
Total - ₹4400 per person
(₹1000 one-time additional registration fee)
6 months

₹1317 per month
Total - ₹7900 per person

(₹500 one-time additional registration fee)
12 months

₹1100 per month
Total - ₹13200 per person
(Free registration)
Family Plan
1 month

₹1700 per person / month
Total - ₹1700 per person
(₹1000 one-time additional registration fee)
3 months

₹1333 per person / month
Total - ₹4000 per person
(₹1000 one-time additional registration fee)
6 months

₹1217 per person / month
Total - ₹7300 per person

(₹500 one-time additional registration fee)
12 months

₹1017 per person / month
Total - ₹12200 per person
(Free registration)
Outside India:
Individual Plan
1 month

$47.99 per month
Total - $47.99 per person
($30 one-time additional registration fee)
3 months

$39.99 per month
Total - $119.99 per person
($30 one-time additional registration fee)
6 months

$35.99 per month
Total - $215.99 per person

($15 one-time additional registration fee)
12 months

$30.49 per month
Total - $365.99 per person
(Free registration)
Family Plan
1 month

$47.99 per person / month
Total - $47.99 per person
($30 one-time additional registration fee)
3 months

$35.99 per person / month
Total - $107.99 per person
($30 one-time additional registration fee)
6 months

$32.99 per person / month
Total - $197.99 per person

($15 one-time additional registration fee)
12 months

$27.99 per person / month
Total - $335.99 per person
(Free registration)
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*Family option is applicable only for immediate family members. For example/- Parents, Children, Spouse’s and Siblings. Family discounts will be within the geographical area. Meaning it will be within the purview of the India package and International online package.

*Mandatory to complete Fundamentals of Yoga Workshop before

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What Students Say

Swaraj Raman

Hardware Engineer, UK

I have been practicing yoga in Yogavijnana for the past three years. The journey personally has been amazing! Vinay emphasises more on understanding/discovering oneself through yoga. His classes have always been holistic. He guides you into very fine aspects of your body and mind. Yogavijnana also let me continue classes online when I moved to the UK. Very highly recommended!

  • 1. Can you provide examples of how participants have benefited from this course compared to other back pain treatments or therapies?
    This e-learning course aims to educate students, practitioners, therapy seekers, and care seekers about back pain and its treatment. This course provides a comprehensive understanding of back pain, posture, causes, avoidance, and recommended practices, equipping students with the knowledge and confidence to effectively manage their back pain.
  • 2. How does Yogavijnana support participants in implementing lifestyle changes for the long-term management of back pain?
    Back pain is a complex issue involving physical, physiological, and psychological factors. Orthopaedic doctors and physiotherapists often overlook physiological, psychological, and emotional factors affecting back pain recovery, requiring a personalized approach and lifestyle for each individual's unique needs.
  • 3. Can I expect to learn practical techniques to alleviate my back pain through yoga?
    This course focuses on preparing individuals for practical techniques in back pain management. The course is a prerequisite for further learning, but lacks unique techniques. Expansion plans include practical aspects, but not all aspects currently covered.
  • 4. Are there any unique techniques or practices included in this course that are not typically offered in other back pain programs?
    This course uses personalized biomechanical evaluations and advanced neuromuscular re-education exercises to effectively treat the underlying causes of back pain, setting it apart from other back pain regimens.
  • 5. Are there any specific breathing techniques (pranayama) that can alleviate back pain?
    Stress and tension in the mental state can influence our breathing, which in turn affects our physical body. Proper breathing promotes healing and overall well-being, while inefficient breathing can lead to chronic back pain. Pranayama can help address this issue.
  • 6. What are the potential risks of not addressing back pain promptly or effectively?
    Back pain is becoming common due to lifestyle changes in recent decades. Sedentary lifestyles can lead to back pain, physical issues, and mental blockage. Ignoring minor symptoms can cause long-term problems, while heavy lifting can decrease productivity and independence. Addressing back pain is crucial.
  • 7. How do you approach back pain differently in yoga therapy compared to conventional medical treatments?
    Yoga therapy addresses back pain from a mental, psychological, and emotional perspective.Yoga therapy, a holistic approach to managing back pain, helps relax muscle tensions through proper breathing and mind-calming techniques, addressing physical, physiological, and mental aspects.
  • 8. Can you discuss the importance of posture in preventing and managing back pain?
    Posture is crucial for back pain as it misaligns the body to balance in the centre of gravity, causing tension to accumulate and weaken muscles. Back pain is caused by musculature pulling at spine points, often requiring therapy with stretching legs and upper body exercises, as tension may not always be the cause.
  • 9. How can stress and emotional factors impact back pain?
    Emotional weakness causes tension in muscles, which can store stress and emotions in the physical body. Yoga therapy promotes calmness and relaxation by releasing tensions and focusing on emotions and stress, allowing the mind to become calmer and the body to relax.
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