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Awakening- Workshop

Explore yoga to unlock your hidden potential

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The workshop might guide you in exploring what brings purpose and fulfilment to your life.

The Awakening Workshop gives us an opportunity to realise how truly magnificent we really are.

Awaking helps one to gain deeper knowledge about one's practice.

What you’ll learn
  1. This workshop will help you identify your values, strengths, and passions.

  2. You might learn mindfulness practices that help you become more aware of your thoughts and feelings in the present moment.

  3. This workshop will help you to build a roadmap to reach the things that truly matter to you.

  4. You might learn techniques to unlock your creativity and problem-solving skills.

Upcoming Batch





Course Benefits
  • Boosting your confidence and self-belief.

  • Gain a deeper understanding of yourself.

  • Explore what brings meaning to your life.

  • Develop tools and techniques for self-discovery and personal growth.

  • Cultivate greater inner peace.

  1. Practitioners should have practiced Yoga for a minimum 6 months or certified Yoga teachers.

  2. One who has an open mind to explore the subject.

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Fee Structure:

Indian Residents

Early Bird

₹ 3200


₹ 4000

*Early BirdPrice ends on 03rd June 2024

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What Students Say

Yathish J

My take on "Awakening Workshop".
I have been practicing yoga class for close to 2years, all this time I taught I was doing Aasan for stretch or strengthening my body.
After attending this workshop for 2days overall my perspective got changed it's about exploring self to the core in what we practice either in posture or taking breath.
This workshop will make one aware of doing complicated steps in a subtle way.
I enjoyed and learnt a lot in 2days worth spending weekend
Thanks Vinay Sir for organizing workshop and hospitality from your family made feel us we are one among your family
I recommend all Yoga Practitioner to take this course and explore self.

Video Testimonials

Awakening Workshop Feedback - Sumana Prasad
Awakening Workshop Feedback - Srikanth Nadig
Awakening Workshop Feedback - Anand Shankarappa
Awakening Workshop Feedback - Dr. Pruthviraj Venugopal
Awakening Workshop Feedback - Dr. Veena R
Awakening Workshop Feedback - Rama Shivaswamy
Awakening Workshop Feedback - Chethan K
Awakening Workshop Feedback - Ram Narashiman
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